Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Comments in blogger beta

As I said in my previous post, I've switched to blogger beta now. I've already heard from Danielle that comments aren't functioning properly - but they're obviously working for some of you. I've checked my settings and everything looks ok, so we'll just have to play it by ear. Thanks for your patience!


sheep#100 said...

Thank you. Hope this comment is working properly (haven't migrated to Blogger Beta yet myself).

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I use haloscan for comments, so I won't have probs if I have to switch to beta. I was unable to comment using my blogger ID (and I was trying to post a jokey comment about testing - oh well).

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited you'll be joining the Nantucket Jacket KAL! If you send me an e-mail w/ your e-mail address to kamcneil(AT)juno(DOT)com, I'll send a blog invite right out to you!!! A LOT of people are starting this jacket after the holidays...I've already started, but it's on hold while I finish a pair of Christmas socks for my husband. :-)